Compass – June 2013

Growth in Mazars’  |  Internal Audit division
Compass  |  June 2013  | Issue twenty three

Mazars Internal Audit has entered a new growth phase with the commencement of national internal audit services from Mazars’ Johannesburg office. The objective is to grow the internal audit client base substantially during the next year and to differentiate Mazars’ service offering by speed and quality of response and work performed.
Operationally, Internal Audit is an objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an enterprise’s operations. Our aim is to assist the client realise their objectives by making recommendations which may, if appropriately implemented, improve the effectiveness of processes, risk management and governance.

Internal Audit reports on the adequacy of controls, and if found that the controls
in place are adequate, further work is done on the effectiveness and
appropriateness of these controls. Our findings are reported to executive
management and ultimately the Audit Committee. Audit work is performed on:

  • safeguarding of assets
  • integrity and reliability of information
  • compliance with acts, statutes, laws and regulations
  • efficient and economical use of resources
  • operational and strategic goals and objectives


