Katutura is a township on the outskirts of Windhoek, the capital city of the Republic of Namibia. Established in 1961 as a result of forced removals, it is not surprising that Katutura means “a place where nobody wants to live”.
With this piece of history in mind, it is unfortunate that the township continues to grapple with limited access to and provision of services and basic needs respectively.
As a firm we are engaged in a number of solvent restructuring consultations in Namibia, and Windhoek in particular. Our travels and engagement with Namibians led us to Katutura. After our visit, we were determined to support the community. One question remained: how can we best support the community? The answer came to us in the form of Katutura outreach programs. These programs offer practical support to the youth of the community in the form of food provision and fellowship.
As a firm, we are not only committed to assisting firms in financial distress. We recognize the importance of the youth in shaping our collective future. Through the Katutura outreach programs, we hope to contribute towards a Katutura residents can be proud to call home.
Nelson Mandela once said: “Giving children a start in life, no matter where they are born or the circumstances of their birth, is the moral obligation of every one of us”. This is a quote which we as DT Consult hold dear.
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