
About Hyron

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So far Hyron has created 2 blog entries.

Helping winemakers weather the storm


Helping winemakers weather the storm Summer 2017/2018  |  Stellenbosch Viso From Deloitte’s discussions with stakeholders in the wine industry, there is consensus that wine producers are feeling the pinch due to the prolonged drought, flat prices and political uncertainty. These factors, among others, are placing unprecedented pressure on an industry that has long been [...]

Helping winemakers weather the storm 2018-02-07T12:45:31+00:00

Laer rente laat landbou asem skep


Laer rente laat landbou asem skep 04 Aug 2017 | Carien Kruger ’N VERLAGING in die rentekoers, al is dit hoe klein, is goeie nuus vir die landbousektor. “Die landbou is ’n bedryf met hoë insetkoste en enige kontantvloei-inspuiting danksy die rentekoersvermindering kan die hoeveelheid benodigde krediet beperk,” sê mnr. Daniel Terblanche, ’n mededirekteur van [...]

Laer rente laat landbou asem skep 2018-02-07T09:57:46+00:00